Okay, I've finished
my first book. Now time to start another
I just read a book on outlining. I see a lot of value in it. I pantsed through my first book. In retrospect, I've given thought, could I have outlined my
first book. I suppose I could have. Yet, I don't see how. Unless having a rough idea of what the
chapters were going to contain counts.
For instance,
3 Alfred
Raznar---- Raznar is 25 years
old and is hitching a ride on the trains heading to Portland when Ernest gets
on the train. They have a run in with
two crooks and bond over it.
4 Mildred
Ballard- Ernest mom gets out of
the hospital and is worried about Ernest being gone. She doesn't know what's happened but figures
it out. She thinks Ernest headed south,
when he is really going north.
That's chapters 3
and 4 that turned into six thousand words.
I suppose that is outlining of a sorts, but even then, I sometimes went
back and filled in the chapter description after I wrote the chapter.
I have an idea for
the next book. I'm trying to
outline. Oh my gosh, it's too much like
I want to write… I
get an idea. I write it down where I
think I can use it in the book. My mind
floods with scenes, interactions, the tensions - just how I want it to sound
and what I want the reader to feel. If I
don't stop and address that will I be able to reclaim those specifics later
when I actually start writing the book?
I'm afraid I won't.
It's like I do a
mental dump when I write. I've written
blogs and emails and letters and have the computer crash or bump the wrong key
and poof - all gone. Then my mind goes
blank. I never feel I recaptured the
essences of the original writing the second time around. Sometimes, I don't even try to rewrite
it. I just move on aggravated with
I have a fair idea
where the book starts and where it will end.
The resolution and theme to be presented. I don't know how many chapters it will be. I have what I think is the first six chapters
worked out on paper - in the outline. Do
I need to finish all the rest of them? I
suppose, but I want to write. I want to
start on the book.
An author said she
started on her book. Wrote six months
and hated it. Went back and outlined for
three months and started over and got a wonderful book out of it in the end. Three months… oh goodness.
Sure, you say, then
write some. Take a break from outlining
and write. But, am I lazy because I'm
fearful I wouldn't actually finish the outline and end up pantsing through this book
too? And then again, that's the way some
good authors do it anyway.
Perhaps, I'm over
thinking it. This blog entry could be a
delaying tactic to outlining or writing on my book.
What can I say, I
hate work.. I've been working for over
fifty years and no I don't have to. I
love writing, but this outlining thing is to much like work. Dammit… I want my writing to be enjoyable to
the reader, so if I can do better presenting a good book by outlining then I
That's it, so much
for the ramblings of a struggling writer.
What do you think? How do you
handle WORK? Or do you even think of it
in those terms?
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